Lafferty Learning Center

Foamer Demonstration Videos

Watch Lafferty Foamers in action to select the best model for the job based on the available utilities, desired foam throw distance, and most efficient coverage speed.

Product Catalogs

Professional and mobile-ready chemical application equipment catalog series for exploring and presenting the Lafferty product line.

View online, download for offline use, or print our complete range of interactive digital catalogs.

Pulp, Paper and Printing

Chemical management and cleaning are involved at every step of the papermaking process. High-performing and low-maintenance equipment gets the job done right while reducing downtime and operating costs.

Conveyor-Mate™ Sanitizers and Foam Systems

Lafferty Conveyor-Mates™ dilute chemical on-demand and apply foam or sanitizing spray directly onto moving conveyor belts.

Welcome to the Lafferty Learning Center

Discover new products and learn how to select, install, operate, and maintain chemical application equipment. The Lafferty Learning Center presents decades of institutional knowledge, tips/tricks, and best practices in a visual multimedia format.

Product specific guidelines are provided in the Installation and Operation Instructions for each unit, which are available on the main Lafferty website.

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Pump Manual: Flojet G70C (ATEX, Kalrez)

Upgrade for Lafferty Transfer Systems: Kalrez, ATEX Pump# 941600-ATEX The 1-Way FPS Transfer System with ATEX Pump Upgrade features EPDM hoses, Kalrez pump diaphragms, and a grounding wire – making it suitable for...

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